disini tasya akan posting semua BUKTI tentang muslimah di timur tengah tempat dimana ajaran islam berpusat dan SYARIAT ISLAM ditegakkan secara UTUH.
silahkan simak....dan tolong tambahkan yg kalian dapatkan ok.
Seorang wanita duduk berdua dg teman pria nya di starbucks, DITANGKAP POLISI SYARIAH dan dijebloskan ke penjara
Sumber: http://www.tressugar.com/Saudi-Arabian-Woman-Jailed-Co-Ed-Coffee-Run-1024363
muslimah di UEA BELUM BISA MEMILIH SUAMINYA SEnDIRI...wow, ini spt zaman siti nurbaya di indon.
dari survey yg dilakukan: 71% muslimah ingin cari suami sendiri.
sumber: http://gulfnews.com/news/gulf/uae/general/emirati-women-prefer-to-choose-husbands-themselves-survey-1.155915
Emirati women prefer to choose husbands themselves - survey
Sixty-three per cent of UAE national men favour traditional marriages, while 71 per cent of UAE national women prefer to choose their husbands
themselves, according to a recent study conducted by university students on the issue of marriage.
The study was conducted by Salwa Fouad, Khowla Ahmad and Lamia Ahmad, communication and media sciences students at Zayed University, as part of their graduation project, reported Notes which is published today.
muslimah di DUBAI tdk mau MELAPORKAN KASUS pemerkosaan pada DIRINYA
1. takut dipersidangan kasus ini malah memberatkannya,
2. kasus ini membutuhkan waktu yg lbh lam dibanding kasus lain,
3. takut nama baik keluarganya malah tercoreng,
sumber: http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100106/NATIONAL/701059902/1010
a survey by YouGov Siraj indicated.
The study, conducted via e-mail, showed that 77 per cent of UAE residents would report rapes, but that most of the 23 per cent who would not were women.
Fifty-five per cent of female respondents said they would not report a rape because they would worry about their family’s reputation or their own. Separately, 49 per cent feared being unjustly judged by society or accused of immoral behaviour.
“Arab women are less likely to report sexual assaults to the
police owing to concerns that the allegations could damage their family’s
reputation,” said Iman Annab, the chief executive of YouGov Siraj.
many cases, women are concerned about ending up on trial, or fear the
authorities will uncover other infractions such as visa breaches or consuming
alcohol without a licence.”
The survey polled 980 UAE residents and nationals – 657 men and 323 women – from December 22 to 27, with a margin of error of plus or minus five per cent.
seorang wanita australia, dibius lalu diperkosa, melaporkan kasusnya NAMUN DITOLAK OLEH PENGADILAN DAN diadili krn MELAKUKAN SEX DILUAR NIKAH.
wouw....diperkosa koq malah dibilang sex diluarnikah?
pengadilan macam apa SYARIAT ISLAM INI?
sumber: http://www.thenational.ae/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20100106/NATIONAL/701059902/1010
If victims spoke up, he said, they would have to provide evidence to the police, a laboratory and prosecutors. An Australian woman was sentenced to a year in jail in Fujairah last year after going to police to report that she had been drugged and gang-raped. Judges rejected her claim and instead convicted her of having sex outside marriage. The three men accused of attacking her were also prosecuted and jailed for a year.
kasihan...muslimah arab MASIH DILARANG SETIR MOBIL sendirian....
wah...apa muslimah jakarta mau terima ajaran spt ini?
muslimah arab MASIH BELUM BISA:
1. keluar rumah ........TANPA IZIN SUAMI tertulis
2. bekerja ........TANPA IZIN SUAMI tertulis
3. membuka REKENING BANK ........TANPA IZIN SUAMI tertulis
4. mendapat fasilitas kesehatan ........TANPA IZIN SUAMI tertulis
sumber: http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2009/07/08/saudi-arabia-women-s-rights-promises-broken
Human Rights Watch documented in an April 2008 report, Perpetual Minors, the impact of the "guardianship" system, which requires Saudi women to obtain permission from male guardians before they can carry out a host of day-to-day activities, such as education, employment, travel, opening a bank account, or receiving medical care. The report demonstrated the negative consequences for women whose guardians - fathers, husbands, brothers or male children - refused to give such permission. Similarly, the Al-Watan article pointed out the dire situation of women living in discord with husbands who refuse to grant them a divorce.
muslimah arab MASIH:
1. kurang kesempatan berpendidikan
2. tdk boleh ikut serta dalam partai politik
SYARIAT ISLAM ini menyebabkan WANITA MUSLIM kurang pendidikan dan terjadi banyak diskriminasi gender.
syariah islam menyebabkan jumlah wanita muslim yg bekerja HANYA:1/3 saja,
Although Arab girls who attend school outperform the boys, the report notes, they generally have fewer educational opportunities — the Arab countries collectively have one of the highest rates of female illiteracy in the world. Lack of education and gender discrimination combine to keep the percentage of employed Arab women at only one-third, the lowest in the world. These conditions contribute to unhealthy lifestyles, resulting in higher rates of disease and deaths linked to pregnancy and childbirth.
Not only are Arab women largely excluded from political participation — the report notes that most of the handful of Arab women cabinet ministers tend to hold symbolic rather than influential positions — they often suffer domestic violence, including so-called "honor killings," behind a societal cloak of silence. Laws often restrict women's personal liberties, for example by giving them lesser status than their husbands in divorce proceedings, and requiring the permission of a husband or father to work, travel or borrow from a bank.
The report traces the predicament of Arab women to the region's longstanding patriarchal traditions of protection and "honor" wrapped into tribal identity. The authoritarian regimes that emerged with Arab independence a half century ago have undermined liberal institutions and values that might have better encouraged women's rights and protected them under a rule of law.
Women's prospects are further weakened by regressive Islamic jurisprudence that effectively codifies discrimination against women. So entrenched has this discrimination become, the report notes, that hundreds of popular Arab proverbs scorn women for having "half a mind, half a creed, half an inheritance."
muslimah TDK BOLEH BERPARTISIPASI dalam olahraga dalam islam (tanpa izin suami/ayah)
"We want to reach Olympic levels," said Shatha Bakhsh, 21, aSaudi Arabia follows a strict version of Islam that bans men and women from mingling and does not allow women to drive or travel without a male guardian's permission.
law student. "We have a lot of potential, but not the chance to show it."
SAUDI adalah 1 dari sedikit negara yg TDK MEMBOLEHKAN wanitanya untuk partisipasi di olympiade.
sumber: http://www.wluml.org/node/4580
MMI Keluarkan Fatwa Haram Presiden Wanita
Senin, 07 Juni 2004 14:33 WIB
TEMPO Interaktif, Jakarta:Ketua Departemen Data dan Informasi Majelis Mujahidin Indonesia (MMI), Fauzan Al-Anshari menyatakan Presiden wanita haram hukumnya.
"Keputusan ini kami ambil berdasarkan Al-quran, sunnah dan
pendapat para ulama," kata Fauzan dalam keterangan presnya di Jakarta, Senin
Menurutnya, keputusan ini sebenarnya telah ada sejak tiga tahun lalu ketika Presiden Gus Dur saat itu diganti oleh Megawati Soekarnoputri.
"Bagi MMI dalam mengambil keputusan ini tidak pernah
mempertimbangkan persoalan politik. Yang menjadi pertimbangan hanyalah syariat,"
kata Fauzan.
Ia juga mengatakan jika Megawati menjadi presiden dipilih rakyat dalam Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2004 nanti, maka azab Allah akan turun.
"Kami tidak apriori terhadap seseorang. Ajaran kami meminta
untuk berbuat adil. Dan meletakan syariat diatas segalanya," kata Fauzan.
sumber: http://www.tempointeraktif.com/hg/nasional/2004/06/07/brk,20040607-18,id.html
Di afganistan, sebanyak 60 smp 80% muslimah disana mengalami kawin paksa. Bahkan setengah muslimah disana kawin di usia muda, di bawah 16th.
Sumber: http://www.rawa.org/temp/runews/2007/06/30/afghanistan-s-women-beating-your-wife-means-loving-her.html
kekerasan dalam rumah tanggan dan pemerkosaan istri oleh suami islam adalah hal yg WAJAR di SAUDI, namun jarang si istri melaporkan kejadian itu.
sumber: http://www.freedomhouse.org/template.cfm?page=182
seorang istri di JEDAH, SAUDI, melaporkan suaminya yg sering memukulnya namun DITOLAK PENGADILAN SYARIAH krn itu (pemukulan) sesuai hukum islam.
sumber: http://www.hudsonny.org/2009/05/saudi-arabia-domestic-violence.php
seorang reporter muslimah arab melaporkan tindakan suaminya yg sering memukulnya dg membeberkan foto2 lebam mukan yg mendapat banyak jahitan. ini dia lakukan untuk memancing semua istri yg mengalami hal serupa untuk BERSUARA juga. dia mangatakan hal ini WAJAR TERJADI DI SAUDI. http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2004/04/16/1082055655995.html
Gadis dan mulimah Saudi tidak boleh MERAYAKAN VALENTINE DAY.
Sumber: http://www.tressugar.com/Roses-Red-Banned-Saudi-Arabia-1039381
Semoga rekan2 muslimah mengerti kalau wanita dalam islam itu TIDAKLAH SEDERAJAD dg pria, dan kalau kalian tidak merasakan apa yg dirasakan oleh muslimah2 di atas maka kalian BERUNTUNG karena hidup di Negara PANCASILA DAN NEGARA yg menjunjung tinggi HAM.
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